Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Category: Native American (Page 2 of 4)

Uncovering the Susquehannock Village at Lemoyne

November is Native American Heritage Month. The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people.

One way we can learn about indigenous peoples is through archaeology. Archaeology can help expand the Native American voice beyond what’s written in history textbooks and grow our respect for the people who came before us.

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What’s New with PA-SHARE

It has been a few months since we last posted any updates and news-you-can-use for PA-SHARE. Since PA-SHARE launched at the end of February, the PA SHPO team has been hard at work helping our users learn this new system, and collaborating with the developers on bugs and improvements.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been patient while we transition to PA-SHARE and willing to learn it with us!

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The 2020 PASS Report

For the past several years, PA SHPO archaeologists have issued an annual report – known as the PASS Report – detailing the ongoing efforts to record Pennsylvania’s archaeological sites. 

Despite 2020’s many challenges, over 280 new archaeological sites were recorded thanks to cultural resource management (CRM) projects and continued contributions from independent research projects, members of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology (SPA), and long-time avocational archaeologists.

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2020 Blog in Review

In this crazy year, the PA SHPO’s blog is the one thing you could count on every week to bring you all sorts of current, relevant, fun and interesting information. I have actually won a trivia contest or two because of something I read in one of our weekly posts!

Here is a short recap of the year at…

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Resource Round-up: PHMC’s Resources for Native American History in Pennsylvania

Since 1990, November has been recognized across the United States as Native American Heritage Month.

In Pennsylvania, the story of the Native American peoples who lived in what is now the commonwealth is largely told through archaeology and the sites and artifacts that are uncovered across the landscape.

This story, which is still unfolding, is complex, rich, and varied and I can’t begin to do it justice in just one blog post. What I can do, however, is provide you with a snapshot of what archaeology tells us about Native American history in Pennsylvania and hopefully inspire you to learn more.

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Preservation Planning through Mitigation in Western PA

In spring of 2015, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO), Shell Chemical Appalachia, LLC (applicant) and the Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI) concluded consultation after 18 months of discussions under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act about the construction of a petrochemical complex in Beaver County along the Ohio River.

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