Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Category: Pennsylvania Farm Show (Page 1 of 2)

Mitigation Spotlight: Section 106 Agreements, July 2022 – December 2022

This is part of a biannual blog series highlighting the agreement documents executed by PA SHPO in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulations.

Between July 1 and December 31 of 2022, PA SHPO has been a signatory to approximately nine (9) Section 106 agreement documents with four different federal agencies as part of consultation for the resolution of adverse effects to historic properties. 

Below illustrates a selection of the agreement documents executed within the past six months.

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The Society at 90: Celebrating the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology’s 90th Year with a Look at the Present and the Future!

This Archaeology Month, we are celebrating the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology’s 90th year. As part of that celebration, we are taking over the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office’s Blog for two weeks. Last week we looked at how the society was founded, and this week we are going to see what the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology (SPA) looks like today. For those of you who are curious about archaeology, want to learn more, and would love the opportunity to get involved with the SPA, this blog post is for you!

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Vision for Preservation in Pennsylvania

In May 2018, as my daughter Josie was putting elementary school behind her, Pennsylvania’s new statewide historic preservation plan, #PreservAtionHappensHere, was released. The plan was developed with a series of guiding principles in mind, engaged thousands of Pennsylvanians, gathered and analyzed pages upon pages of data, was steered and tested by an external task force as well as dozens of planning partners, and was approved by the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board, PHMC Commissioners, the Governor’s Office and the National Park Service. Where do we go from here? What does 2019 hold for historic preservation in Pennsylvania? Continue reading

Marker Scavenger Hunters Extraordinaire

By Suzanna Barucco

One of the honors of serving on the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board is the opportunity to represent the Commonwealth at historical marker dedications.  I met some true marker scavenger hunters at one of these dedications and wanted to share their story.  Interested in doing some marker hunting of your own?  Take a trip to Harrisburg this week for PHMC’s annual Marker Scavenger Hunt inside the Farm Show Complex! Continue reading

5 Things about Preservation in 2016

This time of year is all about traditions, so I’m keeping one of ours here at the PA Historic Preservation blog: the Year in Review.  Its a good time to reflect on all the great preservation in Pennsylvania in 2016.  There is so much to choose from that it was hard to come up with my top 5!  Once you read through my list, leave a comment and tell me what is on your Top 5 list.

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2016’s First SHPO Shout-Out

The internet tells me that 45% of all Americans make News Year’s resolutions. The top ones – which I think we’ve all made at one time or another – are to be happier, healthier, and more organized. A psychologist friend tells me that one of the ways to be happier and healthier is to manage your stress. Well, duh, right? This same friend also tells me one way to do that is to all seek out good news to balance all of the bad news in our world. I’m sure you’re all thinking, “well, that’s great, Shelby, but why are you talking about this in a SHPO Shout-Out post?” I’m talking about it because the SHPO Shout-Out is all about good news! A well-known TV talk show doctor even says sharing good news boosts your mood. I’m no doctor or expert on these matters, but it seems like taking just a few minutes to read this post and think about all the wonderful things happening in our communities can help reduce your stress level and – like icing on a cake – if you share it with others you might just be happier, too!

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Farms + Family = Heritage

It’s that time of year again . . . . . not holiday shopping, but Farm Show planning! That’s right, the Pennsylvania Farm Show will be taking place soon, January 9-16, and the SHPO will be there for the whole week. 2016 marks the 100th time Pennsylvania has celebrated agriculture and farmers with a multi-day exhibition in Harrisburg. Building on the number 100, this year we’re partnering with the Department of Agriculture’s Century Farm Program to recognize farms that have been owned and operated by members of the same family for at least 100 years. Our theme this year is “Farms + Family = Heritage.”farm show blog title Continue reading

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