Pennsylvania Historic Preservation

Reminder! Draft Report Submissions

Starting May 1st, no more paper reports and forms, please!

Reminder for all Project Review archaeology report preparers!

As we announced in our April 2017 Newsletter and at last week’s Statewide Conference on Heritage in Carlisle, the PA SHPO has changed the way we would like to receive initial (draft) report submissions for project review.

Missed the conference session?

Check out the presentation slides here: 2017 Preservation Conference SHPO Presentation 

As of May 1, 2017, we are requesting shape files for mapping and electronic versions of all reports and forms on a CD with the bound hard copy for review.  Our newly updated internal routing procedures now rely on receiving this information with the initial review draft for increased efficiency.

Our office is in the process of realigning our submission guidelines and internal work flows to prepare both our staff as well as our constituents for our new electronic data management and GIS submission system. This system will be coming within the next two years. With the introduction of the new system submissions for project review (as well as many other programs in our office) will depend on the use of GIS data for all submissions.

Beginning Monday July 17, 2017, any incomplete draft report review packet for archaeological reports received will be returned to the submitter. 

A complete draft report review packet includes:

A note about shape files…

Based on the materials we are receiving currently, most archaeological firms – both large and small – are using GIS software for their mapping. Our office feels that shifting to the use of GIS data ahead of the new system will both prepare everyone for the future as well as enhance the accuracy of current mapping on the CRGIS.  The images below outline some details:

Take a look to see how the PA SHPO would like your shape files!

Here’s what to send us.

Please note! Those few firms who are currently not using GIS mapping software should notify our office of that fact in the cover letter for each submission lacking GIS spatial data files.  All others will be expected to provide these files as part of their draft submission packet.


If you have any questions about these or any other announced changes, please get in touch with the PA SHPO.

One more quick note…

We still need your help building our digital library!

Historic preservation consultants, archaeology consultants, local preservation and/or archaeology organizations, local & county planners, and historical societies, the PA SHPO needs your help!  Within the next year, we hope to scan our vast library of archaeology reports, historic reports, PASS forms, and historic resource survey forms to make more material accessible through CRGIS.

Rows and rows of files just like this in the PA SHPO library will eventually be available online!

That’s why the SHPO is asking for your assistance – creating electronic copies of all of our archival materials is a huge undertaking.  While we’re working feverishly on our files, the process will go even faster with your contributions.

If you have digital copies of reports, survey forms, and PASS forms, we would love to have them so we can begin uploading them to CRGIS.  You can expect the amount of data available in CRGIS to grow overnight!

Check out this post for more information on what to send us and how.

Thanks for your help bringing the PA SHPO into the 21st century!

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