Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Category: National Register of Historic Places (Page 10 of 23)

The 2020 PA SHPO Community Initiative Award Winners

For the past several years, the PA SHPO has used their Community Initiative Award to recognize the hard work and dedication of organizations, municipalities, individuals, and others whose work embodies the spirit of #PreservAtionHappensHere.

The three recipients of the 2020 awards have demonstrated the power of digital engagement and the importance of 21st-century tools and technology to advocate, promote and preserve Pennsylvania’s older and historic places, which has been especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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2020 Blog in Review

In this crazy year, the PA SHPO’s blog is the one thing you could count on every week to bring you all sorts of current, relevant, fun and interesting information. I have actually won a trivia contest or two because of something I read in one of our weekly posts!

Here is a short recap of the year at…

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Window Shopping at 5 of Pennsylvania’s Historic Department Stores

With the widespread availability of plate glass at the end of the nineteenth century, department stores and window-shopping culture flourished in cities and towns throughout Pennsylvania – especially during the holiday shopping season near the end of the calendar year.

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A Preservation Story: Franklin County

Founded in 1784, and located in the fertile and strategic Cumberland Valley, Franklin County possesses a rich and unique history.  A tour through the National Register of Historic Places in Franklin County offers just a glimpse into the rich history of the county, and also highlights the community’s continued efforts to designate and preserve their unique history. 

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Resource Round-up: PHMC’s Resources for Native American History in Pennsylvania

Since 1990, November has been recognized across the United States as Native American Heritage Month.

In Pennsylvania, the story of the Native American peoples who lived in what is now the commonwealth is largely told through archaeology and the sites and artifacts that are uncovered across the landscape.

This story, which is still unfolding, is complex, rich, and varied and I can’t begin to do it justice in just one blog post. What I can do, however, is provide you with a snapshot of what archaeology tells us about Native American history in Pennsylvania and hopefully inspire you to learn more.

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Expressions of Interest wanted for Mather Mill and Peace Church

Interested in owning a piece of Pennsylvania’s history? Looking for a unique opportunity to rehabilitate a local landmark? Does your organization want a new home in a historic building?

PHMC is looking for new owners for Historic Mather Mill in Montgomery County and Peace Church in Cumberland County. Interested parties can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for one or both of these historic properties by January 25, 2021.

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Telling a Fuller Story about African American History in Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Earlier this month, the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) announced a new pilot project with PHMC, PA DCNR, the states of Maryland and Virginia, and National Park Service Chesapeake Bay to identify, document, and map sites and landscapes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed region significant to African American history and culture.

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