This week’s post has some great preservation news to share! We’re happy to announce another successful round of the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Tax Credit allocation and an expansion of this successful program.
Category: Preservation Pennsylvania (Page 1 of 6)
“March Madness” in the historic preservation world isn’t quite the same as the highly competitive, single-elimination college basketball tournaments that happen each March.
I’ve coopted the phrase to describe National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week and the days leading up to it in our office. Just like the NCAA I players that begin prepping and practicing weeks and months before their games, we kick off each New Year with making plans, preparing materials and partipants, and scheduling visits for Advocacy Week.
One big difference, of course, is that preservationists don’t compete against each other in a nail-biting, winner-takes-all game. One big similarlity, however, is the frenzy of activity, nerves, and excitement before the big event.
Continue readingPennsylvania’s communities are filled with special and meaningful historic places and spaces that add value to our lives and offer comfort and stability during these challenging times. Now more than ever, it is important to stay connected to our communities.
Today’s Spotlight: Mindy Crawford
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Advocacy Week 2020
Each year, the PA SHPO and members of Preservation Pennsylvania join other SHPOs and historic preservation partners from across the country in Washington for National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week to learn from and network with other states and educate our federal legislators about the important of historic places and spaces in Pennsylvania.
In this post, hear from two students who joined the PA SHPO this year for Advocacy Week Hill visits.
Continue readingDid you know that the first American Heart Month took place in February of 1964, over two years before the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966?
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Preservationists are flocking to Chambersburg in June
Each year we meet to share and learn at the Statewide Conference on Heritage and to be inspired at the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards. This year, those two inspiring events combine offering preservation festivities from June 19-21 in Chambersburg. For the first time, we’ll host an all-day Pennsylvania Barn & Farm Symposium.
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PA SHPO Goes to Washington!
A few of my PA SHPO colleagues and I traveled to Washington, D.C. in March to join State Historic Preservation Offices and other preservationists from around the country at National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week.
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Update! Pennsylvania’s State Historic Preservation Tax Credit
Lots of work has been going on these past few weeks to reauthorize and expand Pennsylvania’s state Historic Preservation Tax Credit. Take a look! Continue reading

2019 Pennsylvania At Risk Announced
This week, Preservation Pennsylvania, the nonprofit dedicated to advocacy for and preservation of historic places across the commonwealth, announced the 2019 Pennsylvania At Risk. Continue reading

2019 as the Year of the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Tax Credit?
The Chinese calendar says 2019 is the Year of the Pig. I’m feeling optimistic and thinking that 2019 might also be the Year of the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Tax Credit.
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