Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Category: Grant Programs (Page 5 of 10)

Making #PreservationHappensHere with CLG Grants

The PA SHPO has awarded six communities grants to improve their municipality’s historic preservation program through the Certified Local Government (CLG) Grant Program.  These grant funds will allow each of the communities to undertake projects that will advance preservation goals and achieve preservation outcomes in ways that are important to the community.  A total of $120,324 will be distributed to municipalities in Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, and Montgomery Counties for diverse and important preservation projects.

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An Architectural Masterpiece: Visiting Founder’s Hall

I have a fascination with historic architecture.  That is what launched me on in my career path.  There is just something about a well-designed building that strikes awe in me.  I feel it when I enter the state Capitol Building here in Harrisburg or when I walk through a quaint Lancaster City neighborhood.  It amazes me that an architect inspires so much with his work. 

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5 Things to Know about the New and Improved Certified Local Government Program

The Certified Local Government (CLG) program is one of the unsung heroes of the historic preservation world.  Less well known than the National Register, Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits and Section 106, the CLG program’s utilitarian name has surely contributed to the bewilderment about what the program can do for community-level preservation efforts over the years.  It’s also fair to say that the CLG program hasn’t been given the proper attention necessary to reach its full potential – until now!  In late 2018 the PA SHPO rolled out revised guidelines for the CLG program in Pennsylvania, complete with a renewed sense of purpose, clearer goals and revamped technical assistance and grant programs.  So, here are five things you wanted to know about the new and improved CLG program in Pennsylvania but didn’t know to ask. Continue reading

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