Pennsylvania Historic Preservation

Requesting Archaeology Privileges in PA-SHARE



There are many ways in which PA-SHARE will be different than CRGIS. However, one of the ways in which they are similar is that users will have to request access to view archaeological data. 

This access is called “archaeological privileges” and users will have to request this access from PA SHPO, even if they currently enjoy access to archaeology data in CRGIS. At this time there is no equivalent CRGIS Planner access in PA-SHARE. 

Privileges can be assigned to Basic, Pro or Business accounts, meaning that they are not tied to a paid subscription.

What are archaeological privileges?

Archaeological privileges in PA-SHARE will allow users to view specific archaeological site location data. Users without these privileges cannot view this restricted information.

There are many reasons why archaeological site data are restricted.  Most importantly, State and Federal laws protect archaeological sites on public lands and the disturbance of sites on public property can result in fines and/or jail time. 

Sites located on private property can be excavated with permission from the landowner, but it is important to understand that archaeological sites are non-renewable resources.  Archaeological sites often represent the only material remains of the past, and if a site is excavated or disturbed without proper documentation, the information and context of that site is lost forever. 

Archaeology can even look at the recent past, including 20th century industrial sites such as this glass factory in western PA.

Finally, archaeological sites often contain human remains, grave goods, and other culturally sensitive materials, and the sale of or profiting from these materials are protected by Federal law.   

Who can get archaeological privileges?

Archaeological privileges are granted to individuals based on credentials and not organizations, companies, or agencies.  Requesting archaeological privileges is not tied to a subscription tier, however to view archaeological site locations and the Pre-Contact Probability Model map layer users must be minimally registered as a PA-SHARE Basic User.

Individuals requesting these privileges must demonstrate that they meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards with a specialty in prehistoric, historic and/or underwater archaeology, or geomorphology. 

Users with archaeology privileges will be required to agree that archaeological site location data are restricted and that their privileges will be revoked if is shared, and/or site location data is shared with third parties without permission of the PA SHPO.

Applying for archaeology privileges

Applying for archaeology privileges in PA-SHARE is easy.

Step 1: Make sure you have your login credentials in hand. If you do not have CWOPA credentials, you will need to register for Keystone Login. Check out this post for information on registering.

Step 2: Download the “Request for PA-SHARE Archaeological Privileges” form.  Review the form and read the PA-SHARE data quality statement.

Step 3: Complete and sign the form.  

Step 4: Email the form along with your resume or CV to demonstrate that you meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards to with the subject line: Request for PA-SHARE Archaeological Privileges: [insert your last name].

Timing & Access

Users interested in having archaeology privileges can submit their request at any time.  Once a completed form has been received, PA SHPO will review and process the request. 

Please note that users granted archaeology privileges must first set up their PA-SHARE account before they can access site data.  Users will need to sign in to PA-SHARE using their CWOPA or Keystone Login credentials and complete their user profile.

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