Blog of the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office

Category: Historical Markers (Page 2 of 8)

Report Missing & Damaged Markers!

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission’s State Historical Markers are cherished and celebrated icons across the state, and for good reason! Every community takes pride in their history and how that history has affected the Commonwealth and the nation.

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Meet the New PA SHPO Staff!

Since the last time I officially welcomed our new SHPO staffers, three new colleagues have joined our team. We are very excited to have Megan McNish and Frank Grumbine as the new Eastern and Central Region Community Preservation Coordinators and Alli Davis as the new Historical Marker Program Coordinator. I’m also happy to announce Casey Hanson’s promotion!

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What’s New in 2022 with Pennsylvania’s Historical Marker Program

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) invites individuals, public agencies, and private organizations to nominate historic people, properties, events, or innovations with statewide or national significance for PHMC’s State Historical Marker Program. Meet the new coordinator, learn more about some changes to this year’s nomination process, and sign up for our upcoming webinars below.

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Uncovering the Susquehannock Village at Lemoyne

November is Native American Heritage Month. The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people.

One way we can learn about indigenous peoples is through archaeology. Archaeology can help expand the Native American voice beyond what’s written in history textbooks and grow our respect for the people who came before us.

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PA SHPO Special Announcement! We’re Hiring a Historical Marker and Diversity Coordinator

The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) is looking for a dynamic person to fill our Historical Marker & Diversity Coordinator position to expand our efforts to identify, document, and celebrate Pennsylvania’s diverse stories, places, and spaces.

This is a great opportunity to work with a team of dedicated and forward-thinking preservationists, historians and archaeologists!

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Preservation Backstory: Emporium’s Sylvania Corporation Marker

The Historical Marker Program is one of the PHMC’s most popular public history programs, and the recently approved nominations prove these aluminum markers dotting our roads and city sidewalks are more than just “history on a stick.” The words cast into markers and the marker topics have deep meaning to many Pennsylvanians.

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What’s New with PA-SHARE

It has been a few months since we last posted any updates and news-you-can-use for PA-SHARE. Since PA-SHARE launched at the end of February, the PA SHPO team has been hard at work helping our users learn this new system, and collaborating with the developers on bugs and improvements.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been patient while we transition to PA-SHARE and willing to learn it with us!

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