Head’s up! Changes are coming to the PA SHPO in 2017! As many of you out there may be aware, our office is working hard behind the scenes to construct and prepare for a 21st century system to manage our survey and resource data as well as provide a platform for electronic environmental review and consultation under all of our SHPO programs.
To transition to the future of all-electronic submissions, SHPO staff have put their heads together to identify small changes that can be made in how we do business. Make sure to attend the upcoming Statewide Conference on Heritage from Wednesday, June 14 to Friday, June 16 in Carlisle to learn more about these upcoming changes!
These are the top 5 Things to know about upcoming changes:
#1: Guidelines Updates
As part of this effort, this year there will be a series of tweaks, updates, and changes to the Guidelines for Archaeological Investigation and the Guidelines for Architectural Investigation– culminating in a formal update to both Guidelines incorporating all of the changes this November.
#2: Submitting Project Review Reports and Forms
There is also change in how we collect electronic and hard copies of archaeological and architectural reports and forms. Beginning Monday, May 1, our office would like to receive the following as the initial (draft) report submission package:
- One .PDF copy of all reports and forms (including updated PASS forms if sites are present) on one CD. The report and each form should be saved as separate .PDF files.
- One shape file that includes the project area and all archaeological site areas or architectural resources. The project area shape file should represent the area where archaeological and architectural resources were considered.
- One bound report hard copy and separate hard copies of each form. Report binding should consist of comb or spiral binding.
- Architectural reports will now require a copy of the report summary form be included in the appendix.
If the draft report or form is accepted with no revisions, no additional copies – either hard copy or electronic – will be requested.
#3: Archaeological Site Criteria Updates
There will also be updates to the archaeological site definitions later this month and to the archaeological site forms later this year. Our office has been working with the State Museum of Pennsylvania archaeology staff to clarify the current site definitions as well as to tweak the existing site forms to reflect changes. The affected forms include the Pennsylvania Archaeological Site Survey (PASS) Form and the Isolated Find or Non-Site Collections Form. This update will be circulated later this year and presented in the upcoming Guidelines revision.
#4: Abbreviated Historic Resource Survey Form
For above ground resources, there will be a new Abbreviated Historic Resource Survey Form to be used in documenting complexes that are clearly not eligible for National Register listing has been developed. Guidance for providing the results of reconnaissance surveys in table format will also be provided. Stay tuned over the next few months for more info!
#5: CRGIS Updates
Also, later this summer, we are eagerly anticipating another much-awaited update to the CRGIS that will allow for the electronic submission of forms and report summary forms. The details for how this new service will work and when it will be available are still being developed, but any changes to the Guidelines associated with this effort will be announced in the fall revision.
We are looking forward to an exciting year as we work with you to prepare the SHPO office and our programs for our 21st century makeover! Stayed tuned to the blog and, if you haven’t already, sign up for the PA SHPO newsletters (the quick form is on the blog homepage!) to stay up to date on what’s happening.